minutes - 12/06/2022

Called to order by Luke H @ 6:06, Pacific time.

11 Members present: Jimmy R, Melinda L, Jill W, Luke H, Celeste L, Kelly S, Nancy D, Lala, Natale M, Arthur, Alicia P.

Kelly motions to accept minutes as read, Nancy 2nd’s. None opposed.

Old Business:

Jimmy and Luke still need to get together to give Jimmy Keys and to get Luke pics for Zoom.

Jill says she went to the General Assembly. She will attend one again on January 28th. That one will be discussing the information we a seeking more specifically. Jill screenshared some notes she got from the last meeting and reviewed them with us.

Jimmy 2nds that Jill should be our aa-intergroup rep. Haha! There was never a motion. Jimmy breaks down a little bit about Online Intergroup. It does not have representation at GSO. It is for the online community.

Term lengths. Natalie is all done. Thank you a thousand times for the amazing service!!

Jill motions to make length of sober time 90 days for administrative position (court cards), Jill 2nd’s. None opposed.

Melinda L motions that Celeste L be our new admin person, Kelly S. None opposed.

Melinda motions to table Inter-meeting social until next month, Kelly 2nd’s. None opposed.


Zoom licenses--$150.00 per year, per license. We could dump one. When do we renew? End of January. We have 4. We Should dump the fourth, for sure. # seems to be good for now. Maybe we could shed that in the future?

Kelly motions that anyone starting a new meeting using zoomintoaa licenses get specific information from the Clubhouse during a Group Conscience Meeting, Alicia 2nd’s. None opposed.

GiveButter works in Canada with PayPal.

Melinda motions to close, Kelly 2nd’s. We all rejoiced and the angels sang.

Agenda item—using zoomintoaa for personal use.