Host Cheat Sheet

Host Resources

Chat Policy

Chat is off to prevent zoom bombers from disrupting our meeting through chat. Any requests for court cards or to be able to message someone you want to talk to privately can be requested at the end of the meeting. Meeting room stays open for meeting after the meeting to fellowship and have any questions answered. Thank you!

Safety Card

We ask that group members and others refrain from any behavior which may compromise another person’s safety or ability to participate in the meeting, such as taking pictures of participants, exposing details from meetings or shares in outside venues including but not limited to all physical or digital media open to public view that could put personal or group anonymity in jeopardy, and harassing members in chat or in cross-talk. Also, please take precautions you feel are necessary to ensure your own personal safety, for example, asking the host to edit your name in a meeting if your full name is on your profile, and not disclosing personal information such as phone number or address in the public chat or your share. A full version of the AA Safety Card can be found @

7th Tradition Digital Basket

We will now pass the Virtual Basket. At in-person meetings these contributions support rent, coffee, chips, and literature. Here we utilize these self-supporting contributions to keep our ZOOMs running, as well as support Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous World Services (GSO).


(202) 858-1233 with code 1935-39

Any questions or concerns can be addressed to

Common Postings

Add me on Facebook to be invited into the private fb group:

Find Vegas meetings, AA resources, and more @

Meeting Attendance Verification

Meeting attendance verification/court card requests: Send your first name, last initial, and email to the host of the meeting.


Attendance Verifcation Form
Blue Oval